I wish I were a bird<3

Aleister Fawkes @wanwandrew

Age 28

Downs, but not out



Joined on 3/22/12

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wanwandrew's News

Posted by wanwandrew - September 2nd, 2021

YES. VERY SOON. VERY SOON I WILL TAKE BACK DNS FROM THE EVIL "Pay .80 cents per year or DIE!" gang/organization. SOON I WILL HAVE KAREHA SCRIPTS RUNNING VIA APACHE, LOCALLY, ENTIRELY ON MY OWN MACHINE. IT WILL BE COOL. Also, I'm having trouble with perl scripts running through apache. Very frustrating. Anyway, I also started learning Russian, along with Japanese- which is going JUST SWELL. Oh yeah website will be a textboard called 9999chan, if that wasn't obvious. Or maybe it will be 9999ch. 9999channel? I don't know. So many options, so little time. GOODBYE.


Posted by wanwandrew - February 23rd, 2020

Remember that one time when you thought Selena Gomez was going to jump out of your television set and give you a stern talking to? Well now she can! Backed by viewers like yourself, we are here to bring you TV Fix! The only service that repairs televisions! Ever! And boy are we good at it! Dropped your television while moving it? Gently remove a Wii remote from your hand a little too fast? Selena Gomez come bursting through the television at mach speed? Well have no fear! TV Fix is here to help! TV Fix: Here to help! That's us! We are here to help! Yes! That's us! JUST FUCKING LOOK.



Posted by wanwandrew - October 5th, 2018

   This is the second fucking Camry I've destroyed. It was raining heavily on my way to school, so naturally I didn't slow down hardly any.

   I took a slight curve, hydroplaned down into a six foot ditch (steep as shit too), took out a road sign (fuck yeah), caught some SICK AIR BROOOO coming OUT of the ditch and over an intersecting road, flipped my car sideways twice falling into the equally deep and steep ditch on the other side of said road and came back outright a few feet away from the second ditch. :^) It was uhh.. I'm glad I was wearing my seatbelt! Learn from my dumbshit actions, kids. Don't be fucking wreckless and stupid when driving.


Here's pics for the curious. :)


Posted by wanwandrew - January 11th, 2016

Be a good pal and tell me happy birthday, unlike a majority of my friends! :^( Please?

Posted by wanwandrew - April 1st, 2014

I had no idea they weighed stuff in inches now! Or is it just toilet paper..? Someone please explain.. Anybody?4072775_139638953722_weightpaper.png

Posted by wanwandrew - March 29th, 2014

Previously, I made a news post about the wreck I was in. Here are some pictures for you, in case you wanted to see with your eyeholes.


Posted by wanwandrew - March 24th, 2014


Mysterious Syrian bathroom wall writings. I'm still not sure what JEFF is.

Posted by wanwandrew - March 20th, 2014

This morning would have been perfectly normal for me.. It's a Thursday. When the hell do things go wrong on Thursdays??

It was a bright and sunny (too fucking sunny and too fucking bright- might I add) day and I was rushing off for school at around 7:55, because I enjoy living life on the edge. Of course, being the naturally fantastic citizen of America I am, I was going the speed limit. Unfortunately, fogged windows are very anti-american. This, a blinding sun (praise it!), and a grapple truck that blended in with no warning signs was a horrible way to start the day. Anyways, the right corner of the grapple truck decided it wanted to be my passenger, so it jumped through my windshield and wedged one half of my car under itself. Then a really bitchy white girl ran into the back of my car. However, she decided she would go to school after the wreck. I decided I would stay home and play Dark Souls 2. Who was the real winner here?

tl;dr: I got in a wreck and nearly died. Totaled my car. Also Dark Souls 2 is fun.

Posted by wanwandrew - March 8th, 2014

A week or two ago I began learning how to code in Javascript. Yay! At first it seemed like it would be a useful thing to know, but now I'm having trouble seeing what I could actually do with such a skill.. Now, I don't want to stop learning Javascript because I've already started- better to waste more time and learn something new than to waste less time and not gain anything. I guess I might as well finish it off.. But what can I do with this knowledge?? Would a different language have been more beneficial?

Posted by wanwandrew - January 26th, 2013

But I've still got nothing to say. You can check out my shitty new song, or not.. You can also comment and remind me of how worthless I am. On an unrelated note, I'm getting cable internet this Monday. Yeyyy. <3