Okay guys, I need your help on this one: Last night I joined KSI while on Halo Reach with one of my friends.. I thought it was awesome to have a lot of people to hang out with and just talk to whenever I needed to.. (Forever Alone. Xbox style.) Today I've been reading up on what people have to say about their clan. The most I've read is either about them being gay, terrible, rapists, or they used to be good, and then they started letting just anyone in.. So now I don't feel as awesome about being in..My reputation could drop! D'x ....Yeah, I don't know what I just said.. I don't have a reputation.. Anyways, my friend already changed his gamertag to a KSI name already (like a dumbass), and I don't want to just drop out so fast on him because then he will have to change his name back.. which isn't really worth the amount of money it costs to change.. I looked on their website, and like they said, they DO have a fuckload of members. But I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. I don't know what to do guys, should I stay in,get out, or join a better clan? Leave a comment..
Don't join any clan.
Clans are stupid and pointless.
I don't have anything against joining a clan..? It's just that some are really stupid and pointless, and I have no clue which ones are and aren't.